Don’t miss a sale
If you ever question whether you should invest in photography, think about your competition on the market. Being competitive to get the best results for your clients clearly helps in two very apparent ways. Not that I really need to tell you, but remind you that this increases your chances to gain listing customers and most definitely increases your chances of getting more showings quickly. You can suggest staging or hire a professional company to get ready for the perfect shots to bring out the best in your listing.
Do-it-yourselfers that love to snap shots with their handy smartphone do not do their listing or client justice. Most agents are not professional photographers and not trained to know the right angles, lighting, not enough photos, or how to pull out the best focal points of different parts of the property. If you were to look at homes and compare the professional photos versus the phone photography, obviously a professional knows what people are looking for when they are viewing the property. I have seen it personally cost a sale on more than one occasion due to not being compelling enough for people to jump on touring through the listing, which is a shame for all parties. People are motivated to schedule an appointment in the same day with the right marketing.
Home buyers are very tech savvy when searching for homes. Showing almost 80% of all buyers are online. That is astounding! It is amazing what people have access to 24/7. There are so many real estate websites and easy-to-use applications. Because of all the digital options to find a home online, there are certain expectations they have when looking for their forever home or investment property.
We live in a media rich society. Colorful images, video, 3D tours are what people insist on to make that first step. Don’t let people move on to the next house with your less than great photography.
Statistics show (National Association of Realtors in 2018) 36% of all buyers are 37 years old or younger. 65% of that demographic are first-time buyers. You can just about guarantee that almost 100% of them are online shoppers.
I personally love using social media to advertise open houses. The results are unmatched! My data consistently shows 45-55+ are clicking through to the sites after posting professional photos and video. Being tech savvy is not just for the younger generation anymore.
You will most definitely see ROI from this simple, but vital tool when putting your marketing strategy together for your listing clients.
Patricia Purcell, Marketing Manager
Tour It Now is a marketing services company offering 3D Interactive Tour, Photography, Social Media Engagement Campaigns, and other opportunities. Check out our website!