Thanks for booking your 3D Tour. Please take a look at the frequenty asked questions.
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3D Virtual Tours
How is a 3D Virtual Tour different from a traditional virtual tour?
A traditional virtual tour isn’t really virtual. It’s just a gallery of stationary panoramic photos. Although techniques vary, most traditional tours don’t allow the viewer to move around within the space. At the very most, traditional tours offer 10 individual locations to view the space. Traditional photographers use DSLR cameras to capture multiple photos which are then stitched together to form a panorama which is viewed from a player.
Our 3D virtual tours allow the viewer to explore the space in up to 200 locations that are seamlessly stitched together. We use high tech Matterport 3D cameras which have 12 cameras and sensors to not only capture photos but to create a polygon mesh. This mesh is rendered into a dynamic 3D model which can be explored online or even with a virtual reality headset such as an Oculus Rift! Plus, our 3D models also show a “Floor Plan View” as well as a “Dollhouse View” to allow the viewer to conceptualize the space.
Can exteriors be included in the Virtual Tour?
3D Virtual Tours are best suited for interiors but if there is no harsh direct sunlight, exterior spaces may be included such as decks and patios.
How long does it take to scan a typical space?
It typically takes 35-45 minutes for every 1,000 square feet. Each individual scan takes about 1 minute.
What do I need to do before the appointment?
You do not need to provide anything for us to make the virtual tour. Everything in our virtual tours are created digitally.
Please have the space in a condition suitable for scanning before the scheduled appointment. We would prefer to not spend time during the appointment cleaning or rearranging furniture.
Please provide instructions in the appointment scheduling form on how to access the property or how to obtain lockbox codes.
What do I need to do during the appointment?
You are not required to be on site while we scan the property. The scanning process is very time consuming and most real estate professionals either provide a lockbox code or unlock the property themselves then take off.
Please be aware that it is a very time consuming process which often takes a few hours to complete.
What if the weather is bad on the day of my appointment?
Our 3D cameras use High-Dynamic-Range Imaging (HDR) allowing the camera to adjust to changes in light so both light and dark areas can be captured at the same time. This means that a space is good for scanning even on cloudy days. As long as there is interior lighting, the finished project will look as good as a model created on a sunny day.
How do I embed the 3D Virtual Tour into a website?
Embedding a model is very straightforward; it’s similar to embedding a YouTube video. Simply copy and paste the HTML code that we will provide. If you’re not feeling too tech savvy, we can help you.
Which browsers are compatible with the 3D Virtual Tour?
The 3D Virtual Tour uses WebGL, the modern standard for 3D content viewed on the web. On desktop computers, WebGL is supported by the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. On mobile devices, WebGL is supported by Safari for iOS 8 and Chrome for Android. Loading times typically take longer on mobile devices. If you can’t view the Virtual Tour, please update your browser. Test Your Browser
Billing & Delivery
How do I pay for the service?